Listen to LOUD

Oooops I haven’t posted anything in quite a while.  I suppose other things got in the way? In any case, I miss this place, so here goes a new post.

I’ve been developing a playlist for a while called “Listen to Loud,” because I have nice headphones, and some songs just really cannot be listened to unless it’s REALLY LOUD (therefore, my headphones are perfect…because I don’t want to severely piss off my hallmates). These are certain songs that for various reasons (voice, bass, synth, etc.), it’s actually a crime to listen to them without cranking the volume up to maximum. My list is fairly long, but here’s a small selection, in no particular order:

1. The Funeral – Band of Horses
Because holy shit, that transition at 1:20 is just fabulous when it destroys your ears.

2. With Or Without You – U2
Because Bono. There should be lots of other U2 songs on this list (Where the Streets Have No Name, Bad, etc.), but I’m limiting myself to one.

3. Radioactive – Imagine Dragons
Because dat bass.

4. Some Nights – fun.
Because…well, it’s so much more awesome loud. I suppose I’ll have to say because of the harmonies.

5. Madness – Muse
Because of that note at the end. I just…it’s beautiful. It deserves only to be listened to at top volume.

6. All These Things That I’ve Done – The Killers
Because it’s The Killers (they are my favorite band, after all, so obviously I’m going to include them). Honestly, I listen to all of their songs at max volume, but that’s just because they’re the best.

7. Fix You – Coldplay
Because I don’t really think I need to explain. If you’ve ever heard this song, then you know why. This song is definitely the best in a concert setting, when the speakers blow up your ears because they’re so loud, because honestly that’s the only way to listen. Unless, you know, you can’t go to the concert……in which case, crank up the volume.

8. Track 3 – Sigur Ros
Because it builds up beautifully. This song is subtle and fabulous and emotional.

Woo there’s my list! I’m constantly adding new songs when I hear them – or when I go back to re-listen and realize ‘oh wait, this is SO much more enjoyable when I can’t hear anything for several hours afterwards because I listened to it so loudly.’ (Disclaimer: I’ve never actually injured my hearing by listening to music at too high of a volume.) Enjoy!

I Need to Learn to Sew

So I’m a huge nerd.  As such, when a good friend and I received free tickets to an anime convention happening downtown this weekend, of course we jumped on the opportunity to go for several hours today and enjoy the awesome nerd atmosphere.  Here are my random reflections on that experience:

  • I noticed immediately as we approached the hotel where the convention was being held that we should have dressed up.  I’m fairly certain in an unscientific way that at least 80% of the people there were cosplaying or at least dressed up in some way – and I realized way too late that I should’ve worn my one possibly appropriate Legend of Zelda t-shirt.  We were clearly in the minority but it ended up being okay.
  • Janet Varney is my favorite.  She’s the voice actor for the title character of the TV show the Legend of Korra, and she was an incredibly charming, nice, and funny person.  Honestly, I wasn’t a huge fan of her voice acting for the series, but after seeing her (from probably 10 feet away – we were in the second row, yay!) in the Q&A session at the convention, I’m officially a fan.  I suppose it might be because she’s not really famous (yet?), so she still retains the genuinely-happy-to-meet-fans vibe that’s really great and refreshing.
  • I need to have more money.  A large part of the convention involved local artists selling their crafts – mainly paintings/digital prints, key chains, plushies, shirts, etc. – and I wanted to buy something from almost every stall we passed.  I ended up getting two small Avatar buttons (one of Sokka and the other of Korra) because I just couldn’t resist, even though I initially went to the convention telling myself, “Don’t buy anything.  You don’t need anything.  Don’t spend money.  Seriously.”
  • Being in an all-nerd, no-shame, judgment-free atmosphere was amazingly refreshing.  Random strangers ran up to each other to comment on costumes, share photos, and chat about their favorite anime shows or video games.  Again, I really really wish I had worn a costume.  But in order to do that I first need to learn how to sew.

Our free passes last for the entire convention (through Sunday), but I can’t go anymore and it’s sad.  At least I got to spend several hours taking pictures and enjoying the complete nerd-out!  Next time I’ll go in costume, plan nothing else for that weekend, and bring more money.

Morning Music

I am the type of person who really likes to make lots of different, and often rather specific, playlists for the music on my iPod.  I have playlists on everything from “Running” to “Only Listen to Loud” to “Sleeping Songs.”  The one that I am in the process of cultivating at the moment is titled “Morning Music,” and it consists of exactly what the title suggests – songs to listen to in the morning.

It’s a fairly personal time of the day, when one gets ready for the day to come, but the type of preparation can vary depending on the day.  As such, a variety of good music is necessary to aid this preparation.  In general, you want music that is quiet enough that it won’t give you a massive headache or make you agitated (especially if you didn’t get a lot of sleep or had a rough night).  However, you also need music that is upbeat enough that it won’t put you immediately back to sleep.  I also personally do not like to have pretty sad/intense/depressing music, because it just starts me off in a bad mood for the morning.

These few key points are purposefully pretty vague because each person has his/her own particular taste in music – one person’s morning music could easily be another person’s mid-afternoon music (just kidding, I really don’t have a “Mid-Afternoon Music” playlist…trust me).

Here’s a random small portion of my current “Morning Music” playlist:

  • Mr. Rock & Roll – Amy MacDonald
  • You’re All I Have – Snow Patrol
  • A Wink And A Smile – Harry Connick Jr.
  • Pencil Full of Lead – Paolo Nutini
  • Broken Open – Cold War Kids
  • February Seven – The Avett Brothers
  • Be Good – Hothouse Flowers
  • Over There – The Connells
  • Sunday Morning – Maroon 5 (it even has morning in it’s name!)
  • Romeo & Juliet – Dire Straits
  • Marathon – Tennis
  • Green Eyes – Coldplay
  • I Can’t Stay – The Killers

These songs sufficiently wake me up while not causing me to feel anxious or rushed.  In addition they’re all really great songs (which is a given – always pick songs you like).  Any suggestions that are fairly consistent with my choices are welcome!  I love music suggestions!

What I Want to Do in Taiwan

This summer might be my last lengthy visit to Taipei, Taiwan, and I’ve recently been contemplating the many many things that I never did in past visits, and also the things that I really want to experience again.  Here we go:

  • Go to Sun Moon Lake
  • Go karaoke-ing with my family/friends
  • Eat hot pot (seriously…I haven’t had it yet)
  • Travel to Tainan and Taichung and generally just get away from the northern end of the island
  • Go on a crazy beautiful hike
  • See the pandas at the zoo
  • Eat stinky tofu one last time just for the hell of it
  • Bike at Danshui
  • Actually buy something from the mall inside Taipei 101

There are probably a hundred other things that I want to do but this is just a quick list that I came up with in a dash.  And I am always open to more suggestions!  Taiwan is such a wonderful little island, I can’t wait to go back.

Taipei is the Best. Why?

I’m having Taipei withdrawals, and when I have these (they’re quite frequent, unfortunately) I tend to reflect on how amazing of a city it is.  Here’s my top five list, in no particular order, of why it’s the best:

  1. Scenery – the city is surrounded by mountains.  Sub-tropical mountains with thick foliage consisting of bright green trees and gorgeous flowers and lots of plants that I don’t recognize.  It’s fantastic.  And the coast is little more than an hour away in most directions, and let me tell you – the Northern and Eastern coastlines of Taiwan are absolutely breathtaking.
  2. Hiking – perhaps the best way to enjoy the beautiful scenery described in number 1 is through hiking.  To be honest, when I first moved to Taipei I was not a keen hiker, but then I realized (largely through my mother’s insistence that I constantly join her on hikes) that when a rare clear, sunny day presents itself, hiking is possibly the best way to spend the morning.  And Taipei has hundreds of hiking trails of all different levels of difficulty (I’m pretty bad at hiking….).  It’s great.
  3. Night Markets – I’m not really sure how to describe a night market to someone who’s never been to one.  It’s kind of like a state fair but in the middle of an urban location with Asian and American pop music blasting from everywhere, everything you can ever imagine being sold at super cheap prices, and lots and lots of Asian people.  And that’s not to mention the food…..but that’s coming later.
  4. People – I’ve been to most of the big cities of Asia – Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Jakarta, Seoul, Beijing, Ho Chi Minh City, etc. – and while I’ve never been treated strangely or badly (as a white person) in any of those cities, nowhere have I felt more welcomed and comfortable than in Taipei.  The people are incredibly nice and helpful and just all-around fantastic.
  5. Food – there are literally no words to describe the sheer awesomeness that is Taiwanese food……particularly Taiwanese street food.  I am not even going to attempt to describe it.  Just know that it’s wonderful.  And cheap.  And more than enough reason (by itself) to go to Taiwan.